Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hi Guys, following on from my previous post "Lets Make Some Noise", I thought I would give all those kids who are keen to learn to play drums and their dedicated parents some tips and tricks of the trade, learnt from bitter experience.

One of the first things to know is how to set up the kids drum kit properly so that everything is within reach and at the right height. Starting with the snare, which should be about level with your child's waist when seated and slopping gently away from them. The high tom toms should be angled down towards them and the floor tom tom on the right at the same height as the snare, slightly angled towards them. The idea is that they should be able to move around the kit from left to right in as smooth an action as possible, without over reaching.

The next task is to ensure that the kids drum set is tuned. This is quite difficult and can be a question of trial and error until you find the right sound, but it normally starts with the base drum, which should be tuned to a low "E" on the piano or keyboard. Tuning is achieved by turning the screws on the lugs around the rim of each drum, which tightens or loosens the head until you achieve the right sound.

So starting with the base drum you should work backwards via the floor tom tom, high tom toms and snare so that each drum has a slightly higher tone than the last. The snare has a sound all of its own.

When I first started to play one of the biggest problems I had was drum creep. This is when the base drum moves forward every time the base drum is struck with the base peddle. The base drum has spurs on each side which rest on the floor to support the drum and if these are not anchored properly the base drum and everything attached gradually moves away from you, which is a nightmare when you are playing.

An easy way of avoiding this is to set up the drum kit and stool on a piece of mat, which keeps everything together and it anchored by the stool. It also stops nasty scratches on the living room floor.

This may seem a bit daunting, but is all part of what is required for kids to learn to play drums correctly. I would recommend that you invest in a good instructional book or DVD like "Getting started On Drums" featuring Tommy Igoe.

This is a great introduction for kids to learn to play drums. Its in a DVD format so it really brings drumming to life in an easy to follow format by a great teacher. Great reviews and highly recommended.

I hope this has been useful and helps your kids to appreciate the great art of good drumming.

Be sure to check out my previous post to see some of the great drum kits available to buy now.

Tune in to my next post for reviews on some more great kids musical toys.

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